The Mysterious Number 1.618

         This number 1.618 is called PHI. Please don't confuse it with Pi (3.14). This number has been named PHI. You are going to know something which is going to BLOW your mind. This number is also called the DIVINE ratio or the GOLDEN ratio. It has something to do with everyone of us, all the living organisms and also the UNIVERSE. Hard to believe right?

            Pi 1.618 is called the BUILDING BLOCK of the whole UNIVERSE. It is so called because you will find  this PROPORTION everywhere. Let me start with the FIBONACCI Series.

The Letters on your KEYBOARD are MIXED UP - WHY??

                Computers have changed our lifestyle. We are in a digital world now. The word writing will soon be replaced with the word typing. Most of us use a Computer daily and obviously use the KEYBOARD for typing. In this post I am going to tell you some facts about the arrangement of LETTERS on the KEYBOARD.
                  Everytime I see my keyboard, a question comes into my mind why are the keys not arranged in the alphabetical order? Have you ever wondered why the letters on your keyboard are not arranged in alphabetical order?? Why are they MIXED up like this? Is there any reason behind this? Is it to make the TYPIST more comfortable while typing?? Come, lets check out why are they so.

The name of all ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS Starts With “THE”

         The name of all English newspapers starts with THE. I don’t know whether you have noticed this before. Well I didn’t notice this until my English Lecturer asked this question in Class. I was surprised that I haven’t noticed this at all.

How to calculate SAFETY on ROAD??

This topic sounds crazy right?? How can we calculate safety on road? Is it possible?? Yes, you can. I will tell you how to calculate your safety. This is a very small calculation which will tell you about your safety.
Accident occurs when the driver is unable to stop the vehicle with his/her BRAKES. This is because the driver doesn’t get enough ­TIME and SPACE to stop car. If the driver maintains a safe distance from the car in front, then the driver will be able to stop the car with the brakes before hitting the other car.

The distance required is more if the car is travelling at a higher speed. This figure will tell you about it.


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