From where does Facebook come to your Screen ??

          As soon as u type the URL and press the ENTER button, the home page of FACEBOOK (or any other site) comes up on your screen. Ever thought where all the Photos you upload in FB are stored? Who updates you with all the updates of your Friends? Who carries your message when you press ENTER in a chat? How far your VOICE travels during a VOICE CHAT? Come let’s explore the VIRTUAL WORLD called the INTERNET.
                 It’s a common misinterpretation that INTERNET comes through SATELLITES. Actually the data transmitted over INTERNET is through UNDER SEA OPTIC FIBRE CABLES. Thousands of OFC’s connect all the FIVE CONTINENTS. This is called the Internet. The pic below shows the map of the Under   Sea cables connecting the whole world together.

SERVERS are memory storage devices just like your HARD DISK, but their capacities are very HUGE. INTERNET is simply a HUB connecting all the servers. The devices having INTERNET connection are connects to this RING which has all the SERVERS in it. Servers have all the data and when we access any site we TAP the information from the SERVERS.
           A web developer designs a website using a LANGUAGE like HTML. The CODE what the developer writes for a Webpage is called SOURCE CODE. All the Websites are stored in the SERVER. When the URL of that site is searched for, the Web browser receives the SOURCE CODE of that page from the SERVER. The Web browser reads this Code and displays the content. The source code has the address for the images, video etc. present in that particular site. The web browser extracts all the data from the server using the address in the SOURCE CODE.
           So, when you upload your photo in FB, Google+ or any other site, it gets uploaded to the SERVERS Website and assigned a unique address. When you are in a VOICE CHAT, your voice travels thousands of miles over the seas to the servers and travels through different countries. So, your Photos, Voice and TEXT have travelled hundreds of times to the US .  

                This is just the Basic layout of the OTHER side of the VIRTUAL WORLD what we call the Internet.


Maruthi Prakash said...

Good post with simple and clear explanations.After reading this,I remembered an incident.Four years back,UNDER SEA CABLES got damaged in Mediterranean sea and that affected Europe and Asia.Millions of internet users and many small BPOs suffered a lot in that period of time...

Nishanthan said...

nice & simple explanations....




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