Whatever you BURN turns BLACK - Why??

           Whatever you Burn, let it be a piece of Paper, wood,  plastic, cloth or even Human skin. The original colour disappears and it always turns to BLACK. And also the smoke is always Black. Why is this so?? What makes all these things turn BLACK? I will explain that to you. In short it because of CARBON. The reason is so simple but it took a couple of days for me to find the answer. The explanation follows.

Auspicious 108

           This post consists of purely factual data. The number 108 is special and considered sacred in many eastern religions especially in Hinduism and Buddhism. When I came to know some facts about this number I was amazed and I wanted to share this with all of you. I have collected information from various sites and presented them here for you.The early Vedic sages were renowned mathematicians and in fact invented our number system. I bet you will accept Indians were brilliant mathematicians and you will want to know more about it even if you are an atheist. Here's something interesting you should know.       
  • Distance between earth and sun = 108 times sun-diameter
  • Distance between earth and moon = 108 times moon-diameter
  • Diameter of the sun = 108 times the earth diameter.

Why do we have GEARS in Cars and Bikes??

           We all know about GEARS in cars and bikes.We also know what gears do.The speed of your vehicle increases as you change the gears.But why should we do so?? Do you know why GEAR bikes are cheaper than AUTO GEAR bikes?
            When you start your bike or car, you start with the FIRST GEAR. If you start with higher gears your engine will stop.Why does your car or bike engine switches off when you try to start it in higher gears??You will find the answer for all these questions in this post.



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